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Clara Pazzaglia

I hope you’re not the same person you were when we first met.

I hope you’re not the same person you were when we first met.

I hope flowers bloom in the garden of your mind since we’ve last seen each other.

I hope that the rivers of coming out of your eyes changed course.

I hope that the branches of your arms are full of leaves, but that you shed them every autumn for new fruits to sprout each summer.

I hope your cherry lips kiss new skin and that your tongue speaks new words everyday.

I hope that the forest that clouded your head has made space for beams of sunlight to illuminate the soft carpet of grass under your feet.

I hope that the solid roots we put down together now lead your path and that they are sturdy enough to support your steps.

I hope you’ve grown sunflowers as your eyes so that you can always find the silver lining even in the cloudiest skies.

I hope that there are no snakes under your rocks so that no more harm can be done to you by those who were supposed to love you.

I hope there’s a pear tree in your orchard making sweet fruits to gift those you love.

I hope there’s a turtle resting in its shell in the shadow of that pear tree, to remind you that each creature has its own time, including you.

And I hope that all that rain we rained has left a beautiful rainbow to color your sky, as to remind you that even the smallest drop can nurture your petals.

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